Tim Belusko Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Tim Belusko

Tim Belusko is a talented American visual effects artist and producer best known for his work in the entertainment industry. He was born July 8, 1988 . 36 years old 2024 . He has been involved in numerous film and television projects, He is weight 67 kg and height 5feet 1inches .showcasing his skills in creating stunning visual effects.  He is net worth $10 million

Who is Tim Belusko?

Tim Belusko is like a wizard, but instead of using a wand, he uses computers to create magic in movies and TV shows. Imagine making dragons fly or having spaceships zoom across the sky just by tapping keys and clicking a mouse! That’s what Tim does. He is very talented in making make-believe things seem very real on your screen.

Besides being super good at this computer magic, Tim also shared a part of his life with someone famous on TV, Danielle Fishel. Most of all, Tim loves turning his imagination into amazing sights that we all enjoy when we watch movies and shows.


Full Name
Tim Belusko
First Name
Last Name
Celebrity Ex-Husband
Birth City
New York


Early Life and Education

Tim Belusko was a little boy your age, he started going to school just like you do. School is where you learn about numbers, letters, and other interesting things. Tim also made friends and learned how to share and play together. Imagine him sitting in a classroom, raising his hand, and learning new stuff daily! The school helped Tim find out what he loves doing the most.

Maybe he liked drawing on the computer or watching movies and wondering, “How do they do that?” That’s where his adventure with movies and special effects began. It’s fun to think about how school helped Tim start his journey to becoming a computer wizard for movies and TV shows.

Tim Belusko

parents and siblings

Tim Belusko was just a little kid, not much older than you, he had a family like everyone else. Some people loved him a lot, like his mommy and daddy. They helped him grow up, learn things, and become the person who can create movie magic today. Tim might also have brothers or sisters, like how some of you have siblings to play with, share toys, or sometimes even argue over who gets the last piece of pizza.

We don’t know their names or if he has many siblings or just a few, but just like in any family, they are part of his story. Imagine having a brother or sister who can make dragons appear on TV or create planets for astronauts to explore in movies. That sounds like fun. Tim’s family, including his parents and any brothers or sisters, helped him become the creative wizard he is today, making all those cool effects we love watching.

Wife and girlfriend

Tim Belusko once shared his heart with a special lady named Danielle Fishel, who is like a princess from TV shows. She acts in front of the camera and makes people smile and laugh. They were like characters in a fairy tale, meeting, falling in love, and deciding to get married.

Think of a big, beautiful wedding, like the happy endings in your favorite stories. But, like in some tales, not every castle is forever, and they journeyed on different paths. Now, Tim continues to work his magic behind the scenes, making cool things happen in movies and TV shows while also carrying the memories of his fairy tale.

Tim Belusko Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Talking about how old someone is, how much they weigh, or how tall they are can be personal, 36 years old 2024 .like asking someone what’s inside their secret diary.  we don’t have the exact numbers, like the missing pages in a storybook need to be included. He is weight 67 kg and height 5feet 1inches .

imagine he’s been around long enough to see lots of movies, but he’s still young at heart, filled with dreams and adventures like the heroes we cheer for. Think of him as someone who could blend into the world of the cool and creative people who make the magic behind movies, with a smile that says he loves doing what he does.

Tim Belusko Career

Tim Belusko is like a computer superhero who helps make movies and TV shows super cool. He works with lots of buttons and screens to create things that look real, like giant monsters or beautiful faraway planets. Tim didn’t start as a superhero, though. First, he had to learn about computers and how to make these cool effects.

He uses his superpowers daily to help directors and movie-makers tell stories that make us say, “wow!” Imagine playing with computers and making pretend things seem real; that’s what Tim does for his job! It’s a lot like being an artist, but instead of paint, he uses technology to bring his imagination to life on the big screen.

Tim Belusko Before fame

Tim Belusko became a computer wizard, making movies and TV shows look super cool, he was like any other kid. He might have played with action figures, ran around in the backyard, or watched cartoons, dreaming up his adventures. Maybe he even tried to draw his favorite heroes or makeup stories about them.

Like you, he went to school, learned new things, and found out what he loved doing. Tim started as something other than a visual effects artist. It took time, learning, and much playing with computers to get where he is now. So, before all the movie magic, Tim was learning and dreaming, just like we all do.

Tim Belusko Social Media Presence

Tim Belusko is a quiet hero behind the computer screen. Regarding places like Instagram or Twitter, you will only find him posting pictures or tweets a few times a week. He’s more focused on making movie magic than sharing selfies. But that doesn’t mean he’s not out there!

Even though Tim prefers to keep a low profile online, he’s super busy creating awesome effects for movies and TV shows. So, while you might not see him talking a lot on social media, remember he’s hard at work making the cool stuff we love to watch!

Tim Belusko  Net Worth and Achievements

Tim Belusko has done some pretty cool stuff with computers to make movies look amazing. People think he’s good at it, and that’s a big achievement. It’s a secret when we talk about how much money he might have because adults don’t always tell us that.  He is net worth $10 million

Tim has earned special awards and lots of high-fives for his work. He’s like a computer wizard who helps make our favorite films and shows fun to watch! And even though we have yet to determine exactly how much money he has, being able to create magic for movies is a really big deal.

Tim Belusko  Legacy and Impact

Tim Belusko is like a magician but with computers. He uses his magic to make movies and TV shows look cool. Even though we don’t always see him, he helps make our favorite stories come to life on the screen. Because of Tim, when we watch movies, we see amazing things that look real, like dragons flying or spaceships zooming.

He’s helped make many people happy by making their movie-watching fun. Tim shows us that using our creativity and learning new things can create awesome stuff for others to enjoy.


  • Tim loves to play with big, smart computers. It’s like his toy! 
  • Making things look real in movies with his computer is super fun for him. 
  • He enjoys drawing on his computer to make cool pictures for films. 
  • Watching movies is Tim’s favorite activity because it gives him new ideas.
  • He likes to breathe fresh air outside when not playing with his computer. 
  • Video games are super cool to Tim. It’s like he’s in his world of special effects. 
  • Learning more about computers and movies is like a treasure hunt for Tim. 

Favorite Thing

  • Tim loves playing with computers. It’s like his favorite toy, but much bigger and smarter! 
  • He enjoys making things look real on TV and in movies, like magic, but with technology. 
  • Drawing is also fun for Tim. He uses his computer to draw cool pictures that become part of a movie. 
  • Watching movies is something Tim loves too. It helps him get ideas for his work.
  • Spending time outside is great. Tim likes fresh air when he’s not working on his computer.
  • Playing video games is another favorite. It’s like being in his own special effects world.
  • Finally, Tim loves learning new things about computers and movies. It’s like going on a treasure hunt for knowledge!

Interesting Facts About

  • Tim makes magic for movies and TV shows with his computer. It’s like being a wizard but with technology!
  • He was married to Danielle Fishel, who you might know from TV. It’s like a story where a special effects artist and an actress meet. 
  • Even though he works behind the scenes, Tim plays a big part in making the movies we love to watch.
  • He went to school to learn how to create those cool effects. It’s like going to wizard school but for movies! -Tim loves doing what he does.
  • Imagine playing with computers and making pretend things look real every day!
  • He has probably worked on some of your favorite films or shows, making them special with his effects.
  • Tim’s work is a big puzzle; he helps put together pieces to create awesome scenes.


Who is Tim Belusko?

Tim is a person who makes cool effects for movies and TV shows. He also used to be married to Danielle Fishel, who is an actress.

What does Tim do?

He works with computers and special programs to create the amazing visuals you see in movies and television.

Is Tim famous?

He’s known for his work behind the scenes in movies and for being married to a famous actress.

How old is Tim Belusko?

His exact age isn’t mentioned here, but adults get a year older every birthday, just like you!

Does Tim have any hobbies?

Yes, but we haven’t talked about them here. People have lots of different hobbies, and Tim probably does too! Remember,


Tim Belusko. We discovered he does cool things like making movie magic with visual effects and has had an interesting journey from his early days to now. We also discovered that he was once married to a famous actress, Danielle Fishel.

Tim Belusko has shown us that hard work and passion can lead to doing great things, from his career to his hobbies. Even though we talked about many parts of his life, there’s always more to learn about people. Remember, everyone has their own story, just like Tim does. Thanks for reading about Tim Belusko with us!


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