Jordan Foxworthy Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Jordan Foxworthy

Jordan Foxworthy is a well-known American celebrity. She is famous for being the daughter of comedian Jeff Foxworthy. She was born in 1992 in Atlanta, Georgia, making her 31 years old. Her birth date is unknown. But, Jordan has made a name in entertainment. , She is weigth 56kg. With her father’s successful career in comedy ,She is a net worth $100 million. it’s no surprise that Jordan has also found success in her endeavors . Jordan has become a recognizable celebrity. She amassed a lot of money from her various ventures. She is heigth 5 feet 6 inchis.

Who is Jordan Foxworthy?

Jordan Foxworthy is a pretty cool person! You might think, “Wait, I’ve heard that name before!” That’s because her dad is a famous comedian named Jeff Foxworthy. But Jordan is also unique in her way. Even though her dad tells jokes for a living and makes people laugh, Jordan also makes her path in the world. We are still determining exactly what she does daily because she likes to keep some things a secret.

Having a secret job sounds like something a superhero might do! But we know she’s working hard and doing her best. Jordan shows us that you don’t have to be exactly like your parents to be excellent. You can be unique and extraordinary in your way, like she is!


Full Name: Jordan Foxworthy
Gender: Female
Profession: Road Rep at Compassion International, Celebrity daughter of Jeff Foxworthy
Country: USA
Marital Status: single
Net Worth $300,000

Jordan Early Life and Family 

Jordan Foxworthy grew up in an inspiring home. Why is that? Because her dad is a famous comedian, Jeff Foxworthy. She was born in a big city called Atlanta. This city is in Georgia, a place in the United States with many fun things to do. Growing up, Jordan would listen to her dad tell funny jokes.

Can you imagine how fun that would be? She also had a mom who loved and cared for her. Jordan had no brothers or sisters, but she had many friends. She liked to play games, read books, and explore the world around her. She learned a lot from her family and wanted to discover things . This made her unique, like you are!

Jordan Foxworthy

Jordan  Parents and Siblings

Jordan Foxworthy’s family is a lot of fun. Her daddy is Jeff Foxworthy. He is a hilarious man who tells jokes on stage for his job. People love to hear his jokes because they make them laugh a lot.

Her mommy is Pamela Gregg. She loves Jordan very much and takes good care of her. Jordan has no brothers or sisters, so she is the only child in her family. But that doesn’t mean she is lonely! She has lots of friends to play and laugh with. Jordan’s parents always encourage her to do her best and are very proud of her.

Husband and Boyfriend

Right now, Jordan Foxworthy doesn’t have a husband or boyfriend that we know about. She likes to keep some things private, like who she’s dating. That’s okay because everyone deserves to have their secrets!

Jordan Foxworthy

Remembering that being single is as cool as having a boyfriend or husband is important. It means you have more time for hobbies, friends, and yourself! Like Jordan, everyone can choose their way of living, and it can be excellent!

Jordan Foxworthy Age, Height, Weight, and Physical Appearance

Jordan Foxworthy is a grown-up lady who is 31 years old. She was born in the year 1992.  Now, you might wonder how tall she is or how much she weighs. Well, She is weigth 56kg.

But we can imagine her as tall as a beautiful tree and as light as a bird flying in the sky! As for how she looks, Jordan has gorgeous hair and a lovely smile that can light up a room.She is heigth 5 feet 6 inchis. like everyone, Jordan is unique and beautiful in her way!

Jordan Foxworthy Career

Before, people knew Jordan Foxworthy as the daughter of a famous comedian. She was an ordinary girl then. She lived in Atlanta, Georgia. Like any of us, she had to go to school, do her homework, and help with chores at home. When she was a little girl, she played with toys, ran around in the park, and had bedtime stories read to her.

She might have liked playing dress-up or having tea parties with her stuffed animals. She might have enjoyed drawing pictures or building things with blocks. These are things that many kids like to do! Even though her daddy was famous, Jordan was a regular kid like you and me. It’s fun to think about. Before all the fame, Jordan was a kid with dreams and imagination, like us! And look at her now; she’s grown up and making her unique path in the world.

Jordan Foxworthy Before Fame

Jordan Foxworthy, like you and me, went to school when she was a kid. She learned about many things, like math, science, and reading. After finishing school, she chose her unique path.

While her daddy tells funny jokes on stage, Jordan decides to do something different. We’re still unsure about her job because she likes to keep it a secret, but we know it’s unique. Like every kid can grow up to be anything they dream of, Jordan is living her dream now!

Jordan Foxworthy Net Worth

 Jordan Foxworthy has. She calls this her “net worth”. Like a pirate’s treasure chest, everyone has their own treasure. For grown-ups, their treasure can be the money they earn from their job. But Jordan keeps this a secret, She is a net worth $100 million.

This doesn’t mean she has no treasure; . And that’s okay! We don’t need to know someone’s treasure to see whether they’re special. After all, the most important treasure is being happy and enjoying what we do, like Jordan!

Jordan Foxworthy Legacy and Impact

 Jordan Foxworthy is still young, she’s already leaving a mark in the world. As the daughter of a famous comedian, people were already watching her. But Jordan didn’t want people to know her as someone’s daughter. She wanted to be exceptional in her own way, and she is! She’s a hard-working woman who loves to learn and discover new things.

She’s also a secret keeper, like superheroes with personal identities. By being her person, Jordan shows us that we can be exceptional in our ways, too. She teaches us to be proud of who we are and to work hard for what we want. And guess what? This is how Jordan is making an impact in the world. Her actions are like ripples in a pond. They spread out and touch everyone around her. You never know; you can make ripples, like Jordan Foxworthy!


  • Jordan Foxworthy might decide to tell more jokes like her dad. Or, she could become a famous painter or cook.

  • She may start a new hobby or learn a musical instrument. She might even travel to different places.

  • Whatever she chooses, it will be something special. like Jordan, you can dream about your future too.

  • Always remember, the future is a big open field, and you can run in any direction!

Favorite Thing

  • Jordan Foxworthy likes to have fun, like any of us. One of her hobbies might be reading books. Books take us to different worlds and teach us many new things!

  • She might also enjoy spending time outside. she likes to walk in the park, ride her bike, or play games with friends. Outdoor activities are good for health and spirits!

  • We know Jordan is a secret keeper. So, she may enjoy mystery games or puzzles. Solving puzzles can be exciting!

  • Drawing or painting might be her thing too. Creating beautiful pictures is a great way to express feelings!

  • Jordan could also be a music lover. She might like listening to songs, dancing, or even playing a musical instrument.

  • She might love animals. she has a pet or likes to visit the zoo. – Finally, Jordan could enjoy cooking or baking. Making delicious food can be lots of fun!

  • Remember, these are guesses. Jordan might have other hobbies that are special to her. Everyone has different interests, and that’s what makes us unique!

Interesting Facts About  

  •  Jordan Foxworthy is a special lady! She’s known not because of her famous dad but also because she’s fantastic.

  • She was born in a place called Atlanta. It’s a big city in Georgia with many tall buildings and busy streets.

  • Jordan’s dad, Jeff Foxworthy, is a hilarious man. He tells jokes to make people laugh and is very good at it!

  • Jordan keeps some things a secret. She only sometimes tells everyone about her job and daily duties.

  • Even though her dad is super famous, Jordan is working hard to make her name famous, too.

  • We don’t know her exact birthday, but she was born in 1992. So, she’s now 31 years old!

  • Did you know that Jordan loves to learn new things? That’s a cool thing about her!

  • Even though she was born to a famous dad, Jordan shows us that you can be unique in your way!


You may have questions about Jordan Foxworthy. Let’s try to answer some of them!

Who is Jordan Foxworthy’s dad?

Jordan’s dad is Jeff Foxworthy. He’s a hilarious guy who tells jokes on stage. He’s known as a comedian.

How old is Jordan Foxworthy?

Jordan was born in 1992, so she’s now 31 years old.

Where was Jordan Foxworthy born?

She was born in a big city called Atlanta, Georgia.

Is Jordan Foxworthy famous?

Jordan’s recognition comes from her dad, but she also builds her own reputation.

What does Jordan Foxworthy do?

Jordan’s job and what she does is still a surprise. She likes to keep some things a secret.

But don’t worry, when she’s ready to share, we’ll all get to know! Remember, it’s okay to have questions. Asking questions is a great way to learn new things!


Jordan Foxworthy has a unique story. Being the daughter of a famous comedian, Jeff Foxworthy, she was born into the spotlight. But, she’s also making her mark in the world.

Her journey shows us that we can create paths, regardless of where we come from. And who knows? One day, you will be as well-known as Jordan Foxworthy. For now, remember to chase your dreams, like Jordan!


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