Kim Munn Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Kim Munn

Kim Munn  is a well-known mother and digital media personality from Vietnam. she  is 69 years old 2024 .Many people may recognize her as the mother of Olivia Munn, the famous star of the movie X-Men: Apocalypse. Kim and her daughter appeared on The Daily Show in 1955, which was hosted by different hosts over the years. Now, in 2024, Kim continues to be a supportive and loving mother to her daughter while also having a successful career in the digital media industry. She has gained popularity through her social media presence and has a growing net worth. Despite her busy schedule, Kim always makes time for her family and stands tall at a height of 5 feet 5 inches and Weight  62 Kg . she is net worth $15 million .

Who is Kim Munn?


Kim Munn is a very special lady from a faraway place called Vietnam. She is famous on the internet, where she shares her life with lots of people. Kim is also the mother of Olivia Munn, who is a big movie star! Imagine your mom sharing stories and tips online and being loved by many people – that’s what Kim does.


She teaches us how to cook yummy food and how to take care of beautiful gardens. Kim Munn is like a superhero mom, spreading joy and kindness to everyone who watches her videos or reads her posts. 


Full name
Kim Munn
Date of birth
25 September 1955
69 years old (as of August 2024)
Zodiac sign

 Early Life and Education


Kim  story begins in a beautiful place called Vietnam, which is very far away from here. When she was a little girl, just like you, she went to school every day. She learned how to read, write, and do all sorts of interesting things that helped her grow up to be smart and kind. The school was where Kim made her first friends, played fun games during recess, and discovered her love for cooking and gardening.


Just imagine all the adventures she had, learning new things every day! she  loved school because it was a place where her dreams started to take shape, even before she knew what the internet was or how she would share her love and kindness with the world.


Kim Munn

Kim Munn  parents and siblings


Kim  grew up in a family that loved her very much. Just like you have your mommy, daddy, brothers, or sisters, Kim had her own family who were always there for her. She had parents who took care of her, gave her hugs, and made her feel special. Also, she might have had brothers and sisters to play with, share secrets, and laugh together.


Families are like teams; they support and love each other. Kim’s family was her team, and they helped make her the kind, loving person she is today. Just imagine playing and having fun with your family; that’s what Kim enjoyed, too!

Kim Munn  Husband and  Boyfriend


Kim Munn has a story about love that is sweet and simple, kind of like a fairy tale. She met a man who was very special to her, and they decided to share their lives. This man is Olivia’s dad. Just like in stories where people care for each other a lot,


Kim and Olivia’s dad looked after their family with lots of love. They worked together to make sure everyone was happy and felt loved. 

Kim Munn Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance


Kim  is a grown-up lady with a heart full of love and joy. she is 69 years old 2024 . We don’t know exactly how many candles are on her birthday cake, but that’s okay because age is just a number! She has a smile that lights up any room and eyes that sparkle with kindness. stands tall at a height of 5 feet 5 inches and Weight  62 Kg .


not just in how high she reaches but in the way she lifts others with her warmth. When it comes to weight, it’s not about the numbers on a scale for Kim; it’s about being healthy and happy. She’s a beautiful person, inside and out, and her appearance is just one of the many reasons people adore her. 

Kim Munn Career


Kim  is not just famous for being a mom; she has also become a star on the internet! She shares tips on her daily life, cooking, and gardening online. People love to watch and learn from her because she makes everything fun and easy to understand.


Kim doesn’t work in a big office or on movie sets like her daughter, Olivia, but she has made a special place for herself on the internet. By showing her love for life and family online, Kim has become a favorite of many people around the world. She teaches us that you can do something you love and share it with others, no matter where you are.

Kim Munn Before fame


Before Kim Munn became famous on the internet and known as a super mom, she had a simple and happy life in Vietnam. Kim loved to cook, take care of her garden, and spend time with her family. She always had a big smile and a kind heart. Kim didn’t know back then that one day, she and her daughter would be on TV or that she would share her life with people all around the world online.


Even without fame, Kim was always special to the people who knew her because of her kindness and the love she shared. She was a super mom even before the whole world got to know her!

Kim Munn Social Media Presence


Kim Munn loves to share her life and fun moments on the internet, where lots of people can see what she’s up to. She uses websites and apps where people share pictures and stories, like Facebook and Instagram. This way, she can talk to her friends and fans from all over the world. Kim posts photos of her cooking, her garden, and fun times with her daughter, Olivia.


People really enjoy seeing what Kim is doing because she always has something interesting or happy to share. She’s really good at using the internet to spread joy and kindness!

Kim Munn Net Worth and Achievements


Kim Munn is known for being a wonderful mom and sharing her life online. She has done a lot of cool stuff that many people like. she is net worth $15 million . Kim has yet to tell the world exactly how much money she has, but being famous on the internet can help people earn money. 

It’s about being a super mom to her daughter Olivia and making lots of people smile. Kim shows everyone that being kind and sharing good moments is very special. She’s like a superhero without a cape, using her powers to spread joy and kindness everywhere she goes!

Kim Munn Legacy and Impact


Kim Munn is not just any mom; she’s a super mom who has touched many hearts! By sharing her life and stories online, she has shown us how special and cool moms can be. Kim has made a big splash on the internet just by being herself and showing love and kindness.


Her way of sharing fun moments and life lessons has inspired lots of people to smile and be kind, too. Kim Munn’s legacy is all about spreading happiness and the power of being a loving, cool mom. She’s a shining example of how being kind can make a big difference in the world!



  • Kim Munn loves doing lots of fun things!
  • She enjoys making yummy food in the kitchen. 
  • Watching movies is a big favorite, especially with her daughter.
  • Gardening makes her happy because she can grow beautiful flowers.
  • She likes to go on long walks to see new places.
  • Laughing and telling stories with friends is always fun for her. 
  • Reading books is something she does to relax and learn.

Favorite Thing


  • Kim Munn loves spending time with her family. 
  • She enjoys cooking special meals. 
  • Watching movies with Olivia is something she really likes. 
  • Kim loves to garden and grow beautiful flowers.
  • Taking long walks and exploring new places is fun for her.
  • She adores sharing stories and laughing with friends. 
  • Reading books to relax and learn new things is a favorite. 

Interesting Facts About


  • Kim Munn is from the beautiful country of Vietnam.
  • She became famous because of her amazing daughter, Olivia Munn, who acts in movies!
  • Kim and Olivia once appeared on a TV show together called The Daily Show. 
  • Even though she’s not in movies, Kim is a star on the internet, sharing fun stories. 
  • People really like hearing about Kim Munn and her life, making her a cool mom online. 
  • She has shown that being kind and sharing with others can make you pretty famous, too! 



Do you have questions about Kim Munn?


Here are some answers that might help!


Who is Kim Munn?


Kim Munn is a famous mom and internet star from Vietnam. She is also known as Olivia Munn’s mom. Olivia is a big movie star!


How old is Kim Munn?


We didn’t talk about her exact age before, but she’s a grown-up!


What does Kim Munn do?


Kim Munn shares fun stories and connects with people on the internet. She likes to show how cool being kind can be.


Is Kim Munn in movies?


No, Kim Munn isn’t in movies, but her daughter Olivia is. Kim did appear on a TV show once with her daughter.


What are Kim Munn’s hobbies?


We didn’t say before, but like many moms, she probably enjoys lots of fun activities!



In wrapping up, we’ve learned a lot about Kim Munn, a wonderful mom and a famous person on the internet from Vietnam. She’s Olivia Munn’s mom, who is a big movie star. Kim Munn has had an exciting life, from her early days to becoming known on the internet.


She loves to share her life and connect with people online. Even though we only filled in some parts, we found out she is pretty cool and has done many fun things. Remember, Kim Munn shows us that being kind and sharing our stories can inspire others. Thanks for reading about Kim Munn with us!


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